employers association — darbdavių sąjunga statusas T sritis Švietimas ir mokslas apibrėžtis Darbdavių susivienijimas, kuris rūpinasi savo narių ekonominių, profesinių ir kitokių interesų gynimu. atitikmenys: angl. employers association; employers union pranc.… … Aiškinamasis kvalifikacijų sistemos terminų žodynas
Union busting — is a practice that is undertaken by an employer or their agents to prevent employees from joining a labor union, or to disempower, subvert, or destroy unions that already exist.During contract negotiations, established unions may declare a strike … Wikipedia
Employers Group — was founded as the Merchants and Manufacturers Association in 1896 in California. It has become a worldwide organization advocating for employers and giving guidance about employment laws and regulations, professional development, consulting… … Wikipedia
employers' organization — ➔ organization * * * employers organization UK US also UK employers organisation) noun [C] ► an organization that supports companies and employers and protects their rights: »The Government s review on disability rights includes a survey of… … Financial and business terms
union — n 1: an act or instance of uniting or joining two or more things into one; esp: the formation of a single political unit from two or more separate and individual units 2: something that is made one: something formed by a combining or coalition of … Law dictionary
union — u‧nion [ˈjuːnjən] noun 1. [countable] an organization formed by workers to protect their rights: • If you decide to join the union you are encouraged to play an active part and to ensure your views are represented. • a union agreement (= an… … Financial and business terms
Union League Club of New York — Union League clubs, which are legally separate but share similar histories and maintain reciprocal links with one another, are also located in Chicago and Philadelphia. Defunct Union League Clubs were located in Brooklyn and New Haven.HistoryThe… … Wikipedia
union shop — n: a unionized business in which the employer by agreement is free to hire nonmembers as well as members of the union but union membership within a specified time (as 30 days) is a condition of continued employment compare agency shop, closed… … Law dictionary
Union Jack (magazine) — Union Jack was a story paper of the late 19th and early 20th centuries. Introduction There were two story papers called Union Jack . The first appeared in the 1880 s but was only very short lived. The name was then used by Alfred Harmsworth in… … Wikipedia
union worker — UK US noun [C] HR, WORKPLACE ► a company employee who belongs to a trade union: »The Building Trades Employers Association represents 1,500 contractors in the city that employ union workers … Financial and business terms